Tuesday 20 February 2018

Top 5 FAQ’s on BIM

Here’s a list of frequently asked questions on BIM by those who aren’t very familiar with the concept. The answers followed by the questions will try to spread light on BIM. 
1.  What is BIM?
BIM stands forBuilding Information Modeling”. Sometimes it is also known asBuilding Information Model”. In simple words, BIM is the creation of a virtual model of any physical entity. It is used by designers to design a building, by construction team to model the construction and by building owner for facilities management. BIM helps in smooth functioning of the project lifecycle.

2. Who owns the BIM?

BIM Modeling must be shared with everyone involved in the project. To maximize the benefits of BIM, it must be owned by a building owner. Let’s consider an analogy in which BIM can be compared with a photography session. The client will be satisfied by receiving only the prints of the photographs but it would add value if they receive original photos. The original photos can be utilized by the client for future use.

Same is the case with BIM Modeling. Suppose, an engineer creates a BIM but does not share it with other team members. The designer will design the building but he will not be able to coordinate it. The construction team will not get the benefits of a digital model. The building owner will thus be left with boxes of paper to manage the facility of the building. To avoid this, the engineer must have shared BIM with the designer. By doing so, BIM can be shared with everyone down the line making most out of it.

3. Who can benefit more from BIM?
The answer to this question is simple. As BIM is used by everyone involved in the project, it is equally beneficial to all. The designers will not require retyping the data from 2D CAD model to Microsoft Excel. The construction team will not get informed about dozens of on-site clashes and hence pricing of the product can be done more efficiently. The building owner will be able to manage and alter the facilities of the building better than ever. Thus, we can say that BIM helps everyone and it is beneficial to all. 

4.  Is there a single BIM?
There might be a single BIM for every individual working on the project in near future. However, this is just an infancy. There might be a number of BIMs with interoperable data. If such is the case, each designer will have their own CAD and specification models. The data will come flowing in at every single milestone of the project like cost estimation, clash detection, and performance analysis. Finally, it will be handed over to the owner.

5. Is BIM affordable for small firms?
It is an easier investment for small firms to implement BIM as they are more fluid with their business decisions. They can modify their processes more easily. However, for larger firms with hundreds of professionals, it might be difficult to adopt new processes with ease. Still, there are hopes that BIM Implementation Services will not be talked about much as it is today. It will simply become an integral part of the construction industry and how the construction works.

BIM Services offered by us:

SiliconEngineering Consultants Limited is a New Zealand based firm specializing in CAD services. We are providing the latest in trend BIM Implementation Services and BIM Modelling. Our BIM Services New Zealand based have efficient BIM specialists that put in the best of their knowledge and consultancy in a construction project.

if you have any further query, Please feel free to ContactUS

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